Popup Dahlia bed 2016.
"Dahlia bed for a curve"
The Popup Dahlia bed 2016,
is planned for a curve.
This place will be a natural spot to make a Dahlia bed close to the heat keeping rocks what also will give shelter in windy Gothenburg.
This is on the walk way to my temporary studio at Karlavagnsgatan and I was thrilled by the Idéa to develop a Dahlia bed for a curve to be seen from bicycle and walkers, joggers and cyclists.
Popup Dahlia bed 2016.
"Dahlia bed for a curve"
The are is located close to a new built bridge for walkers and bicyklist built over the railway to the container harbour and a heavy trafiked road. The bridge is connecting the living areas around Ramberget and Sannegården with each other.
Seedlings from Popup Dahlia bed 2015 is planted in rock-wool and will hopefully generate new variations in the Popup Dahlia bed 2016
Popup Dahlia bed 2016 is heading for the light.
Dahlias generates easy new variations, through open or controlled pollination.
On the right side of the window the west side of mountain Ramberget can be seen. The mountain is a loved place to take walks on or take the car up to the top. It´s a interesting place where different periods of culture meet each other. On the west of the mountineside a stone age hunter settlements was found 100 years ago.
On the mountain several walking roads landscaped.And a water tower is built in national romantic style.
The granit walls on the southern side of the mountain have been a popular place for earlier generations of sailors. A lot of maritime related stone carvings can be found on the walls.
Today a strongly living car and barbecue culture takes place on the top of the hill and people following the sun slowly dropping in the sea.