"Three Chamber Dome" Peter Ojstersek 2016.

På nattduksbordet i sovrummet finns en en gästbok där besökare kan dela med sig av sina intryck och tankar.

On the bedside table in the sleeping room a guestbook is placed so the visitors can share their impressions and thoughts.


In the dome a camera is mounted for following the growing of the plants, the camera is also detecting movement and sends pictures to flicker.com.

Maybe you will see a picture from your shoes in the corner of the picture.


The camera for documentation of plant growth, did brake don one week ago and after a reboot yesterday, new pictures arrived.

Night flight: Unidentified Flying Object.



En fin bild skickades från kameran i domen den 18 juni.

Är det en nattfjäril eller en insekt eller en besökare av okänt ursprung? 




A nice photo came from the camera 18 June.

Is it a night butterfly or a insect or a unidentified visitor from a unknown place?

